Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"The Bread of Life"

 “There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”  These words were spoken by Mahatma Gandhi. They are words that describe the children of the Oko Baba Destutute Camp in Lagos, Nigeria. Oko Baba is a place that I first visited a few years as I ministered in Africa. It offers housing to those that are lepers, lame, and blind mingled together in a compound that was was established over 17 years ago by the then military regime of Nigeria. It is crowded with hundreds of children born to parents of poverty and disease. The people are mostly from the northern regions of Nigeria and speak the Hausa language.

We arrived in the heat of the afternoon with hundreds of take-away containers filled with a nice meal complete with rice and pieces of fish. Pastor Abandy of the young church in the fishing village of Makoko had employed his wife and one of the church ladies to prepare a delicious meal for this large crowd of forgotten men, women and children. We had received funds from local buisinesses and Christians in our hometown of Middleburg, Florida. We used the donations to purchase the food and supplies. We travelled from over 12,000 miles away to spend this one afternoon and evening sharing the love of God with these precious people.

After a time of welcoming us into the camp, the meals were distributed. We arranged to show the "Jesus Film" to this vastly Muslim crowd. The crowd stood in the dark near the entrance of the camp. When the opportunity was given, over 200 people raised their hands with a decisive "YES" to receive Christ as their Savior. What a joy it was to represent our Lord Jesus Christ! What a thrill it was to carry the gift of mercy from our little place in northeast Florida to Oko Baba! How thankful I was to share what Jesus had done for me with this crowd blinded by Islam and vain religion. God did appear unto these poverty-stricken muslims in the form of bread. He appeared in their heart that evening as the "Bread of Life".